Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Buying a computer

           Buying a computer is all about Decisions!

Questions when buying a computer.
  1. How much $ do you have?
 I have no money
  1. Who’s going to use it?
 No one because i have none
  1. What are you going to do with it?
But if I did i would buy food and if i have enough i would buy parts of a computer and build it
  1. What existing Applications do you have?
 I have some games and a few office applications.
  1. What data do you have?
 I have over 13 GB of Data stored in my computer
  1. Where is it going?
 In the computer
  1. What is your data stored on presently?
 A Hardrive and 3 USBs
  1. Desktop or Laptop?
  1. Mac or PC?
 PC, there is no competition
  1. What Operating System will you use?
 Microsoft 10 or 7 (Maybe Linux)
  1. What store? Online
 I will buy the parts from a various places, a small computer store, a big store. It depends on what parts i want and how much i want to buy them for.
  1. What happens when there are problems?
 I must stay calm and try to figure it out. If I can not figure out the problems i will ask a friend who is very knowladged about computers.

What makes a good computer?

What makes a good computer?

We live in a world where computers are always evolving and changing. Some Computers are fast; while some are slow. But what makes a good computer, good?
Image result for gaming computer 10 monitor set up
Image result for super computer

The Purpose of a Computer

The first question you should ask when thinking about a good computer is "what is the purpose of the computer?". There can be many computers that are good for certain things. Some computers are great for work, some are good for gaming. 

Super Computers

The best computers in the world are the super computers. They are some of the fastest computers in the world and are measured in FLOPS (Floating-point operations per second). But they are only owned by companies for scientific research. These super computers can not be accessible to the public because they are expensive. So to truly look for a good computer we must look at something that is sold to the public.

Good and Fast

But I think what truly defines a good computer is its speed and Storage. We can measure the speed of a computer in its processor's clock speed and its number of cores, the clock speed will determine how fast your computer can process information. A good computer will have a good Processor, but it will also need a lot of RAM (Random-Acess Memory). The processor will need to read information from the RAM and thus the faster the processor the more RAM you will need. The best processor right now is the intel core i7 7700k with 4.5 ghz (turbo) with a quad core. A good computer will also need storage, the amount of storage can depend on the user, if the user does a lot of work or download a lot of games then the user will need a lot of Storage. 1Tb of storage should be the standard amount of storage a computer can hold.
Image result for ram truck logo
Image result for ramImage result for intel core i7

Sunday, 26 February 2017

A Healthy Computer

5 Ways to keep your Computer Healthy

Some Computers detiriorate over time, they can crash, freeze, stop working, and slow down. Even the fastest of Computers can slow down over time. To prevent these causes we need to keep our computers healthy. Here are 5 ways to keep your Computer Healthy. 

  • 1.  Malware and Virus Protection
             Viruses can spread in computers through downloading malicious programs or softwares and going into malicious websites. One way to stop these viruses are using programs such as adblock or site advisor. These programs can tell if a website is malicious or not and can block any malicious and annoying ads.
Norton Security, McAfee Anti Virus Plus, Malware Bytes are also great alternatives for removing virsues.
Image result for computer virus

  • 2. Install your computer's latest updates.
          Latest upgrades to your computers software are crucial. Updating softwares can lead to optimsation on your computer, updating softwares can keep your computer fast and healthy.

  • 3.  Out with the New
         Computers will always become old. Even the fastest computers in the world will eventually deteriate. If your computer is over 5 years old, you might consider getting a new computer. This will benefit you because you willl have a much faster computer and it might even be better than your old computer depending on what you get.

Image result for best gaming setup
  • 4.   Reduce your use
Computers need time to cool down,  prolonged amounts of use (e.g 10-24 hours nonstop) can damage your computer, over heating it and making it slow down.

  • 5.  Limit your softwares.
Downloading too much  softwares that change your system can also slow down your computer. So just delete any unneccessary downloads and keep your computer healthy.